Comment bien se préparer pour la chasse à l’orignal : les conseils de Jason Tremblay Morneau

How to properly prepare for moose hunting: advice from Jason Tremblay Morneau

On the way to Baie-Comeau to offer training to hunting enthusiasts, we had the chance to catch Jason Tremblay Morneau by phone. This experienced hunter shared with us his best tips for maximizing your chances of success on your next moose hunt. From land planning to habitat analysis, including the choice of essential equipment, discover these strategies and tips that will make all the difference during your next hunting season.

Summer preparation for moose hunting: meticulous work

For Jason, it all starts with the analysis of ecoforest maps produced by Cartes Xperts. This crucial step, which takes around ten hours, allows the most suitable areas to be identified. “Once the analysis is done, I go there to check the habitats and confirm the presence of moose,” he explains. Next, Jason makes sure he has all the necessary materials, a process that can take several weeks. “Nothing should be forgotten, from vehicle equipment to clothing and hunting accessories. » He remembers a time when he forgot his binoculars and his sleeping bag during a trip to Anticosti Island, a mistake he will never make again.


What is the best advice you can receive when trying to get started with moose hunting?

Jason is adamant: we often try to do too much, which ultimately doesn't help us harvest. “Take it slowly: walk in the water, break branches… use natural methods rather than calling too often. Also take good breaks of at least 15 minutes after a call to give the moose time to respond to you.", he lists, recalling that the moose calls to you while walking in the forest and therefore, you must give it time to advance towards you.  Also, he emphasizes, you need the right clothes. If your hunting outfit makes noise or your accessories are too noisy you will be spotted from miles away. “Be as quiet as possible: hearing is the moose’s greatest strength. He will spot human sounds from far away. Never forget it. », Jason Tremblay Morneau tells us.

Shop the Jason Tremblay Morneau X Sportchief collection



Are there essential tools to have to ensure an optimal hunting experience?

There are a lot of hunting accessories available on the market and sometimes we get lost. So we asked Jason what his essentials were. When it comes to choosing equipment, he favors simplicity: a tool to check the wind, a GPS or a phone to get his bearings, a knife and a saw to prepare the animal quickly. “If you don’t have a wind tool, a simple moose urine spray can do the trick,” he advises.


Avoiding Common Mistakes 

One common thing is to park your car or recreational vehicle too close to your hunting area. Jason recommends parking at least one kilometer away. Then, you shouldn't be too repetitive. “There are great callers but they always call the same way. You have to be able to make a variety of different sounds. Then, you must not always arrive at your hunting point at the same time, or call at the same place with the same sound. The animal ends up recognizing human habits and finally moving on.", says our hunting expert.

Strategies for collecting a trophy

To maximize your chances, hunt in pairs. “When there are two of us, we can simulate a male and a female through sounds, he explains. We separate, we walk in sight of each other, sometimes one walks and the other doesn't, he waits, in short we dance like that in the hope of having more answers. » Also, the one who travels through Quebec to train hunting enthusiasts reminds us of the importance of being well informed before going hunting to ensure you have a great experience. “If you want to have fun, you’re going to have to learn the basics. I advise everyone to have training.", he says, specifying that he recently had a testimony from a man who had hunted for 17 years without ever managing to shoot a buck. After taking online training from Jason, he was finally able to succeed!

See Jason Morneau Tremblay’s training 


Three things to know about Jason Morneau Tremblay

1. A real enthusiast
The week before the hunt begins, Jason can spend days not sleeping because he is so haunted by what is to come. “I make up lots of scenarios, plan A, B or C…”, he gasps.

2. Seasoned strategist 
For Jason, hunting is a combination of luck and calculated strategies, much like a game of poker. “I look at the wood, I walk, I assess the signs, then I take the path that gives me the best chance of harvesting in the end.”, he calculates. 

3. His biggest dream
He who has more than once approached a moose dreams of catching one with one hand, an extremely rare feat! “I’ve been on the project for at least three years. », he laughs, hoping that it will be his happy new year.