Les 3 meilleures approches pour chasser l’orignal par Dan Gilbert

The 3 best approaches to hunting moose by Dan Gilbert

Hunting moose requires rigorous preparation and a precise strategy. Here are three of the best approaches, shared by Dan Gilbert, long-time ambassador for Sportchief, to maximize your chances of success on the field. Careful prospecting and a thorough knowledge of moose habits will help you locate the best places for hunting.

And Daniel Gilbert, Sportchief ambassador


  1. Hunting: refining your strategy

To maximize the effectiveness of blind hunting, it is essential to choose an optimal blind site. According to Dan Gilbert, this involves a detailed understanding of moose movement routes, water points and feeding areas. He particularly recommends monitoring trail intersections and clearings where moose are known to congregate. “Strategic location is everything,” he explains, “you have to know the habits of the moose in the area and make sure you are in position well before first light.”

Effective camouflage is not limited to patterns, but also includes silent textiles to minimize noise during movement. “ Sportchief garments, developed with experienced guides, are designed to be completely silent , which is crucial when you’re waiting for a moose to approach within a few meters,” Gilbert says. Odor neutralization is equally crucial, requiring the use of specific products that eliminate human olfactory traces, an essential step to not give away your presence.

Hunting from a blind is an exercise in extreme patience. Dan Gilbert emphasizes that a hunter must be prepared to stand still for hours, even in difficult conditions. “The slightest movement can ruin hours of preparation,” he warns. The key is to stay focused and never underestimate the acuity of the moose's senses. This approach, although demanding, can be extremely successful when the animal comes within shooting range.


  1. Call hunting: attracting moose with precision

The art of calling is a formidable technique for attracting moose. Dan Gilbert highlights the importance of mastering different types of calls, such as the call of the female in heat or the sound of the male. “Calls must be precise and realistic to attract the attention of moose, especially during the rutting period,” he advises. Using calls at the right time is fundamental. The rutting period, which extends from mid-September to mid-October, is the time when moose are most receptive. During this time, moose are more likely to respond to calls, increasing your chances of attracting them nearby.

Location also plays a crucial role. According to Dan Gilbert, "it is essential to position yourself in an area where moose can hear you, while having good visibility and a clear field of fire." Open areas with sparse vegetation are ideal for maximizing calling effectiveness and having a clear view of approaching game.


  1. Hunting on the move or fine hunting: the art of discretion and observation

Hunting on the move requires a careful and methodical approach. “Move slowly, taking regular breaks to observe and listen,” recommends Dan Gilbert. The idea is to imitate the natural movements of moose, avoiding any suspicious noise that could alert the game. Good knowledge of the terrain is essential for this technique. “You need to be familiar with the terrain and understand the habits of moose in the area to better anticipate their movements,” advises Dan Gilbert. This understanding allows us to predict the routes moose might take and adapt accordingly.

Weather conditions also play a role in the success of hunting on the move. “Days with a light breeze are ideal, as they help mask your noises,” says Dan Gilbert. It is best to avoid days with strong winds, which can disperse smells and sounds, making hunting more difficult.

For those looking to delve deeper into the world of moose hunting, Dan Gilbert shares fascinating and memorable stories from his experiences in the field. Check out his hunting stories and the lessons he learned in this article on the Sportchief blog . These stories perfectly illustrate the importance of preparation and expertise in every hunting trip.



Each approach requires a certain expertise and good knowledge of moose behavior. By combining these techniques and adapting to the specific conditions of your hunting area, you will increase your chances of success. “Hunting moose is an art that requires patience, discretion and great knowledge of the terrain,” summarizes Dan Gilbert. We thank him for all his valuable advice and wish him an excellent hunting season.


Frequently Asked Questions (Q&A)

Q: When is the best time to hunt moose?
A: The rutting period, from mid-September to mid-October, is the most favorable, because moose are more active and receptive to calls.

Q: How do I choose the best location for blind hunting?
A: Look for trails frequently used by moose, as well as watering holes and feeding areas.

Q: What equipment is essential for a successful moose hunt?
A: Use silent camouflage clothing, odor neutralizers, and realistic calls to maximize your chances.